
El Gallo Giro Taco Truck

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The taco gods must be smiling down on me today because I've not only found this taco truck after four failed attempts of searching for it.  I'd almost given up on this phantom taco truck.  With no twitter or website, I think that weekday afternoons on the corner of 24th and Treat must be the sweet spot.

Their menu items are standard fare for the normal taco truck, but I have to say this is now my #1 favorite taco truck in the city.  Sorry, El Tonayense (see post HERE), but you have officially been upstaged in my taco truck book.

Right to left: carne asada, al pastor.  Both meats are juicy and spicy.  Its hard to say which is better.  Maybe the al pastor by a tiny bit, but both are worth a reorder if I ever get lucky and happen to stumble upon this truck again.

So the two tacos they are known for at this taco truck are the carnitas and pollo.  The pollo is juicy, but not really my thing.  The carnitas, however, is WOW.  Its probably one of the top 3 best carnitas I've ever had, if not the best.  The chunks of carnitas are large and juicy, but the best part is each piece is super crispy, yet tender and juicy inside. 

Address:               El Gallo Giro Taco Truck
                              23rd and Treat
                              San Francisco, CA
Type:                     Mexican

Popular chomps:   carnitas

Chomp worthy:     carnitas       

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